history 36

“To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child. For what is the worth of human life, unless it is woven into the life of our ancestors by the records of history?”
Marcus Tullius Cicero




  • Head of Department Mr G Toner
  • Teacher Dr M Murphy
  • Teacher Mr J Proctor


Welcome to the History Department!
We aim to deliver a History Curriculum that helps pupils gain a deeper understanding of their surroundings, locally, nationally and internationally.  History is a subject which can fire the imagination of pupils and inspire curiosity about the past. Pupils are equipped to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement.  We aim to deliver a curriculum that demonstrates the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change and the diversity of societies throughout the ages.





History is taught in three weekly lessons (35 minutes) across years 8-10. Field Trips are organised for each year group annually.

 Year 8  Autumn What is History

Ireland 7500BC-1014AD

Ireland 1169-1541
Anglo-Norman Conquest
Gaelic Lordships
  Summer  Family/Local History projects & Inch Abbey/Dundrum Castle field trip


history trip 2



Year 9 Autumn Europe and the New World
Protestant Reformation
Anglo-Spanish rivalry
Spanish Armada
Voyages of Discovery
Tudor conquest of Ireland
Flight of the Earls
  Winter/Spring Ireland & Britain in the 17th and 18th centuries
The Ulster Plantation
1641 Rising
Cromwell and Ireland
Williamite Wars
Penal Laws

A brief history of slavery in the United States

Field Trip to the Battle of the Boyne Centre




Year 10 Autumn

The impact of war in the 20th century

World War 1 recruitment
Private Stanley Law
Votes for women
WW2 technology
GI Brides
Aerial bombing
War reporting
United Nations


The Holocaust
(studied in January to coincide with Holocaust Memorial Day)

The Rise of the Nazis

The Causes and Consequences of Partition
Ireland 1801-1921.
Types of Nationalism
Growth of Unionism
The Home Rile Crisis 1912-1914
The Easter Rising
The 1918 election
The War of Independence 1919-1921
The Treaty and Civil War
Northern Ireland 1921-1969







GCSE History is taught in five periods, weekly. The Department teaches the CCEA syllabus.

 Unit 1 60%

Germany 1933-1945
Northern Ireland 1965-1998


 Unit 2 40%

The Cold War & the rise of Islamic Fundamentalism 1945-2003



 history results 3




A Level

History is taught in 8 weekly lessons in Year 13, increasing to nine in Year 14. The department teaches the CCEA syllabus.

history module 2



A-LEVEL results

AS History results 2018-2020

history results 2

A2 History results 2018-2020history results 4 
